Crowley Maritime

Crowley Maritime Corporation is a U.S.-owned and operated marine solutions, transportation and logistics company providing services in domestic and international markets through six operating lines of business: Puerto Rico/Caribbean liner services; Latin America liner services; logistics; marine contract solutions; deep sea petroleum transportation; and petroleum transportation, distribution and sales in Alaska.

 Services offered by these businesses include: Shipping & Logistics; Alaska Fuel Sales and Distribution; Petroleum & Chemical Transportation; Harbor Ship Assist & Tanker Escort; Ocean Towing & Barge Transportation; Vessel Design & Construction Management; Ship Management; Arctic All-Terrain Transportation; Marine Salvage, Wreck Removal and Emergency Response; and OPA 90 Compliance.

 The company is wholly and privately owned by the Crowley family and Crowley employees. Crowley-owned subsidiaries include: Jensen Maritime Consultants, Customized Brokers, SeaFreight and Jarvis International.

 Today, Crowley is a company with more than $1.5 billion in annual revenues and approximately 4,500 employees. We maintain a fleet of 200 vessels, consisting of RO/RO (roll-on-roll-off) vessels, LO/LO (lift-on-lift-off) vessels, tankers, tugs and barges. Our land-based facilities and equipment include terminals, warehouses, tank farms, office buildings, trucks, trailers, containers, chassis, cranes and other specialized vehicles.