Since 1989, MacNair Travel Management - a privately owned American Express Travel Services Representative - has taken a proactive consulting approach to the management of travel for individuals, corporations of all types and sizes, national presidential campaigns, and VIPs from around the globe.
Today, we are recognized for setting a new service standard by defining MacNair Travel not as a travel agency, but as a Travel and Logistics Consulting Firm. This has brought us powerful energy, a dedication to creative travel solutions, a higher level of travel professionals, a period of growth and development during difficult times for most travel companies, and the honor of being known as an industry pace-setter.
How have we done it? By striving for the very best in every client interaction, in every task, every procedure, every new hire, and every relationship. We've worked so hard over the years to define our motto, Destination: Excellence, that, today, we no longer need to define it. It defines us.