

For this excerpt from our survey, we will be looking at the questions “Why are you unsatisfied with your job?”, a question we added this year in an attempt to better understand job satisfaction levels, as well as the current retirement plans for Travel Industry professionals.

In order to answer the question “Why are you currently unsatisfied with your job?”  we broke the down the criteria along the most common reasons for turnover.  We can see that the most notable reason people are unsatisfied with their current job is ‘poor compensation‘, with a response of 27% of surveyed professionals, and ‘too long of a commute’ in second place with 13% responding that it’s the reason they’re currently unhappy in their position.

Regarding retirement, the largest response was ‘no current plans to retire” at 66%, down 2% from last year’s response of 68%.  We also see a minor spike in those planning to retire in either 2-5 years, or 6-10 years by 1%.  Though we haven’t fully compared our early findings, we’re looking forward to seeing what correlations we can draw from responses.

We’re incredibly excited to see the final results of our survey with its’ closing at the end of the week.  We look forward to sharing the data with you once it’s been properly parsed and sorted.

If you haven’t already taken our survey, we invite you to do so now by clicking this link.  Remember, you only have till Friday to make sure your voice is heard.